Following factors should be taken into account to use a particular social media site for promoting a business, or an organization, and in particular a food bank.
a. How many people are expected to visit that site.?
b. Type of people visiting that site. In particular one must see that a sizable number of visitors have interest in the product/activity you are promoting, which are going to be prospective customers or supporters.
c. A social media site may be universally very big, but because of certain cultural issue, it may have a negative image in some areas. In that case a social media site, which is acceptable in that area may be chosen.
d. For a food bank promotion, one must identify the area, where it can gainfully help, and promote itself in a social media site that is popular in that area.
Three top social medias options for a food bank are the following:
a. Google+
b. Facebook.
c. Linkedin.
a. Google: It is most frequented media, and is the largest search engine. It is possibly the best place to put ones add. The google maps are very helpful to locate a particular business or organization.
b. Facebook: It is a social media site where the subscribers are mostly interested in posting pictures, videos, gossips and details of the events that closely relate to themselves. People do tell their likes and dislikes about social activities. If a product or an idea is liked by a member, most likely it will get mentioned by that person. Most of people visiting their own posts, do like to visit other’s post. It is very likely that favorable comments written by some will also be read by many more. This creates the same effect as words of mouth does. A business/organizational post is open to anyone for visit and expressing his opinion. Any suggestion that is helpful, can be used ti improve the organization. Even a bad one can make the organization, aware of its weaknesses.c. Linkedin: All the subscribers of Linkedin are either businesses or professionals. These are those, who are the largest group that support charity for social causes. This site has facility to let one come in contact with other likeminded individuals, similar businesses and organizations. It also encourages to form groups with common goal. Like- minded people can be ones brand managers, who can be a great help in creating an awareness of the cause that is being espoused by an organization.
Google: Advertising slots are open to bidding, that includes even those which have been already allotted. So, a slot, where the ad has been hosted can be taken away by someone else by outbidding. This creates an uncertainty for the ad. Even otherwise the cost of maintaining a site on google is very high for an organization dependent on small charities.
Facebook: Any hosting site for business or organization, is open to anyone. It allows the visitor to express to his likes or dislikes, and give suggestions. If the suggestions a visitor give are useful, they can be helpful. There are many that can be damaging and can create a disrepute, if read by others. It can become a full-time job to keep track of all type of comments posted on the site. Worse, if the comments are not favorable, they need to be rebutted.
Linkedin: As this social media site attracts only businesses and professionals, its reach is limited. There are many others who can gainfully help a charity, which will be missed by such people.